Hurricane Season

Preparing your homes roof for Hurricane Season

Is your roof ready for the unpredictable Florida weather?

Hurricane season officially starts in June, but heavy spring rains can expose weaknesses. A well-maintained roof protects your home and family. This guide will help you prepare your roof for the upcoming season:

Inspect: Look for missing shingles, cracked tiles, or damaged flashing. Check vents and boots for animal damage or sun wear.
Clean: Remove leaves, twigs, and branches from your roof. Clear gutters and downspouts to ensure proper drainage.
Trim: Overhanging trees and branches can damage your roof during a storm. Trim branches to a safe distance.
Consider Reinforcement: Older roofs may need reinforcement. If your roof is over 23 years old, it likely lacks hurricane straps, which became standard in 2001. These straps prevent wind from ripping your roof off.
Taking these steps now can save you time, money, and stress later. For professional help, contact Strategic Roofing LLC.

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